ExCodes was born with market experience, the result of the union of highly qualified software specialists from years of work in large information technology organizations in Latin America. We were born from the desire to make things happen, to connect people with solutions.
We learned that it is necessary to understand and then meet expectations. We were born out of empathy, knowledge and maturity.
Our years of experience in technology within large organizations have served as fuel to change the way companies reconcile demands for results, versus, their practices.
We are not just a software lab. We are onemovement, the alternative for those looking for broader business solutions, through the diversity of contributions.
Pleasure, we are ExCodes.

Understand better how we put everything into practice.
Learn about our solutions:
Learn about our solutions:
Efficiently and easily manage all your provider's voice communications with PhoneBox, through a simple and responsive web interface.
With smart uras, automate your service queues, monitor your attendants in an intuitive and easy way

Extract statistics on missed and answered calls, call duration and response times. Interact with ongoing calls by acting as a listener or even guiding your attendant.

Understand better how we put everything into practice.
Learn about our solutions:
Learn about our solutions:
Efficiently and easily manage all your company's voice communications with PhoneBox, through a simple and responsive web interface.
AnyCom ISP

Centralize your services through integration with social media, leveraging all chat tools directly on social media.
AnyCom SVA

Make your business more attractive, profitable and retain your customers by offering Value Added Services (VAS) to your Corporate customers regardless of their line of business.

Enhance your social media as a service channel through customizable bots
Streamline service through customizable bots and maximize your business. Regardless of the platform your client uses, the attendant's interface will be the same. Facilitate your customer's access and improve the service experience.

Know what we're talking about
We understand to serve. We know that your company is like a person: unique.
Marcelo Siena - CEO ExCodes
Rua Washington Luiz, 1129 - Room 201, Centro Comercial Crystal.
Center - Marialva - PR
Contact us.